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Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page. You’ll find answers on instructor and student resources, eTextbook code redemption, and more!
Customer Service
Our current office hours are Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Mountain Daylight Time.)
Books of Discovery Return & Credit Policy
Wholesale orders, consumer orders, and other inquiries:
Phone: 800.775.9227 / 303.200.4794
Fax: 720.479.9322
International orders and distributor inquiries:
Louisa McGarty – Customer Support Manager
800.775.9227, ext 0
Accounts receivables and distributor inquiries:
Linda Lee – Director of Customer Support
800.775.9227, ext 7
Fulfillment and warehouse inquiries:
Danielle Schroeder Kraft – Customer Support Specialist & Fulfillment Director
800.775.9227, ext 8
Education Accounts
Adoptions for academic institutions:
Michael Diehl – Education Accounts Manager
Massage Therapy, Alternative Medicine, Yoga, Pilates, Dance, Chiropractic, Osteopathic Medicine
800.775.9227, ext. 23
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Renee Malis – Education Accounts Manager
Massage Therapy, Physical Therapy, Physical Therapy Assistant, Medicine
800.775.9227, ext. 9
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Tracy McDermott – Education Accounts Manager
Massage Therapy, Athletic Training, Exercise Science, Kinesiology
800.775.9227, ext. 21
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Eva Sissener – Director of Education Accounts
Massage Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Occupational Therapy Assistant
800.775.9227, ext. 1
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Accessibility Statement
Books of Discovery is committed to ensuring our digital resources are accessible for everyone. We are continually assessing the user experience and seek to make our resources as user-friendly as possible. This is an ongoing effort we take to heart, and we appreciate hearing from anyone with requests or suggestions for improvements.
Our eTextbooks are available on two approved platforms. You can find information about their accessibility policies linked below.
Alternate formats for our resources, including PDF downloads, are available upon request. Please email Dana Ecklund at Dana@BooksofDiscovery.com for support.
Feedback and Support
We welcome and encourage your feedback on the accessibility of our resources. Please reach out to us.
Phone: (800) 775-9227
Email: Info@BooksofDiscovery.com
Mail: 2430 Broadway, Suite 200, Boulder, CO 80304
Privacy Policy
You may view our Privacy Policy statement here.