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Trail Guide to the Body

Trail Guide to Movement

A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Pathology

Applied Anatomy & Physiology for Manual Therapists

Functional Anatomy for Occupational Therapy

Business Mastery

The Ethics of Touch

Trail Guide to the Body student resources

With the purchase of the Trail Guide to the Body text, students automatically gain free access to powerful resources for learning musculoskeletal anatomy and how to palpate muscles with confidence.

Trail Guide to Movement

student resources

With the purchase of the Trail Guide to Movement text, students automatically gain free access to powerful learning resources and study aids.

Student resources for A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Pathology

With the purchase of the A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Pathology textbook, students automatically gain free access to powerful resources for learning about hundreds of diseases and disorders.

Applied Anatomy & Physiology for Manual Therapists student resources

With the purchase of Applied Anatomy & Physiology for Manual Therapists, students automatically gain free access to powerful online resources such as group activities, case studies, Quizlet flashcard decks, and more.

Functional Anatomy for Occupational Therapy student resources

With the purchase of the Functional Anatomy for Occupational Therapy textbook, students automatically gain free access to these learning resources and study aids.

Business Mastery student resources

In August 2022, Books of Discovery became the new publisher of Business Mastery and The Ethics of Touch, previously published by Sohnen-Moe Associates. For the time being, these instructor and student resources will continue to be hosted on the Sohnen-Moe Associates website. Click the link below in order to request access to these resources.

The Ethics of Touch student resources

With the purchase of The Ethics of Touch textbook, students automatically gain free access to these learning resources and study aids.

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