Bridges the world of business with the world of hands-on therapy.
Makes their career dreams a reality.
Recommended by hundreds of hands-on therapy schools worldwide, Business Mastery has helped students and practitioners find their way to a financially rewarding and sustainable career that’s well suited to their vision, desires, and strengths. It prepares them for any path—whether working as an independent therapist or as a practitioner at a clinic or franchise.
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Encompasses a wide scope of activities that cultivate behaviors for success.
Through a variety of skill-building activities, Business Mastery students learn how to start a massage therapy business. The textbook challenges hands-on therapists to set ambitious but realistic goals. It then encourages them to create a plan for achieving their goals and taking actions that lead to sustained success.

Helps students master the basics of money management.
This textbook familiarizes students and practitioners with personal budgeting, financial recordkeeping, declaring business income—including tips—and deducting business expenses. They’ll learn about the consequences of financial mismanagement and discover the keys to putting their practice on sound financial footing.

Improves their ability to communicate effectively.
Knowing how to communicate effectively is often a struggle for students and practitioners. This textbook will help future and current hands-on therapists master listening and communicating in a professional manner, giving them the skills needed for a successful career.

Provides step-by-step guidance to marketing success.
Business Mastery offers proven plans for marketing, developing alliances through networking, and creating a dynamic online presence. Whether students work on their own or in a clinic, franchise or spa, this textbook will become a trusted, go-to business resource to answer the questions that arise throughout one’s evolving career.

Prepares students for their licensing exams.
With business topics a substantial part of licensing exams, including 15% of the MBLEx exam, Business Mastery is the preferred resource to properly prepare students.