We couldn't be more delighted with Applied Anatomy & Physiology for Manual Therapists. Our students love the easy-to-understand language and how it makes A&P concepts directly relevant to their future careers.”
Written specifically for the manual therapy student.
Offers meaningful learning experiences.
With classroom-tested, practical content customized to the manual therapy student, this textbook provides a personalized path for understanding and applying anatomy and physiology (A&P) principles.
“Why is it critical for me to learn this information?” and “How will it help me become a better manual therapist?” Those are the exact questions this student-centered textbook answers, helping instructors deliver compelling and relevant learning experiences.
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Covers topics unlike any other A&P textbook.
In the vast realm of anatomy and physiology textbooks, Applied Anatomy & Physiology for Manual Therapists presents “need-to-know” content for the safe and informed practice of manual therapy. Honing in on essential information allows students to delve deeper into the content. This focus aids in fostering understanding and retention.

Engages with easy-to-understand yet detailed science.
Applied Anatomy & Physiology for Manual Therapists emphasizes the benefits, effects, indications, and contraindications of the practice of manual therapy, all supported and grounded in current scientific understanding.
Each chapter contains special features that challenge and engage manual therapy students who often struggle with retaining A&P knowledge from classroom to clinic. These include:
• Manual Therapy Applications highlight A&P topics most crucial to students’ future profession.
• Pathology Alerts describe common conditions manual therapists encounter, ways the body systems functionally respond, and a practitioner’s role in navigating the best course of action.
• BTW boxes contain intriguing A&P facts that deepen students’ understanding of the human body.
• “What Do You Think?” critical-thinking questions help bridge the gaps between A&P concepts and the actual practice of manual therapies.

Features a uniquely layered approach to chapter organization.
Unlike conventional anatomy and physiology textbooks, Applied Anatomy & Physiology for Manual Therapists starts with the basics and then systematically adds more detailed information, helping students better grasp the functional links between various body systems.
For instance, the textbook introduces basic concepts and terminology of the nervous system first, saving details of the neuromuscular system for later when students are ready to make more meaningful and useful connections to manual therapy applications.

Empowers students using the latest learning theories.
Both the Applied Anatomy & Physiology for Manual Therapists textbook and its accompanying Review Guide employ current learning theories to encourage a sense of curiosity and enjoyment in the learning process.
The AAPMT Review Guide also features a broad assortment of fun, engaging activities and exercises for students to complete on their own or with their peers: crossword puzzles, fill-in-the-blank exercises, quizzes, and much more.
View product details: Applied Anatomy & Physiology for Manual Therapists’ Review Guide

New features in the 2nd edition
- New Unit Openers present a big-picture overview of how the body systems covered in each of the units are directly and indirectly linked.
- New Pre-learning Scenarios at the beginning of each chapter help students recognize everyday activities as examples of a body system at work. Questions invite learners to recall what they already know and engage their curiosity, before getting into detailed descriptions of body structure and function.
- Revised Chapter Summaries now include discussion points for the Pre-learning Scenarios, inviting students to apply the newly learned A&P information to manual therapy. (The end-of-chapter quizzes from the first edition can now be found online.)
- Completely Updated Research to reflect latest best practices.
- Regularly Updated Online Bibliography for related articles and research to support specific references within the endnotes in each chapter.

Applied Anatomy & Physiology for Manual Therapists connects the dots between the body’s systems and how this information really serves them as a manual therapist, all in palatable ways that gets them excited and engaged to learn. Having used another text previously, I can 100% recommend this book for any school looking for a textbook that creates “accessibility” to this material in a way that other texts don’t for massage students. There is nothing “dry” about this book, and that’s hard to come by in a science text!”