The Ethics of Touch, 3rd Edition
An ethical pathway to professional success and integrity.
Ben Benjamin, Ph.D.
Cherie Sohnen-Moe
In this definitive work on ethics, Ben Benjamin and Cherie Sohnen-Moe directly address the difficult, confusing, and seldom discussed, but often troubling dilemmas confronting manual therapy practitioners. The Ethics of Touch, 3rd edition, promotes a deep and personal exploration of these multilayered issues. By identifying clear principles and naming specific resources, Ben and Cherie have provided an essential guide that supports and inspires both students and seasoned practitioners.
Through reflective exercises, insight-promoting questions, and stories straight from the treatment room, students are led on a personal journey where they discover and internalize the highest professional standards and outline practical steps to meet them. Practitioners with a clear understanding of ethical behavior and professional communication skills are the ones who create and build successful practices. This book belongs in the office of every manual therapy practitioner.
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Helps manual therapy students and practitioners develop principled, ethical guideposts
Working through the textbook is both a personal and practical journey—a way to take those guidelines to heart. The Ethics of Touch leads students to:
• Build a solid foundation in ethics and develop appropriate boundaries.
• Master skills that encourage trust and open, effective communication.
• Establish the highest level of professionalism regarding touch, sex, and intimacy.
• Safely bring touch therapies to clients with embodied trauma.
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About the authors
Ben Benjamin, Ph.D., is a leading expert in the fields of ethics and communication within the context of manual therapy. A renowned practitioner, teacher, school owner, and professional coach, Dr. Benjamin emphasizes the need for clear boundaries and effective communications to navigate the ethical issues inherent in treating clients.
Co-author Cherie Sohnen-Moe, author of the best-selling textbook Business Mastery, has a national reputation as an industry leader, educator, and consultant. She applies the principles of conscientious, ethical practice to everyday choices hands-on therapists need to make.
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ISBN 978-1-8829084-5-5